• Materials
  • Final
  • The special Fired Rice by Author.




                        The pork is easy to cook and I liked it 
                        because it tast really good on taste. I 
                        suggest to buy the pork strips or slices.
                         That will make the things easier.

    Haday Superior Dyster Sauce

                        The Haday Superior Dyster Sauce is a 
                        seasoning to make the food smells and 
                        tastes fresh.
    Premium Soy Sauce
                        The Premium Soy Sauce is also a seasoning.
                        I like the taste of it, that is the reason
                        I put it in the material.
                        The Carrots is the health vegetable. It is 
                        good for eyes, but I choose it just because 
                        I need a vegetable to let my body become 
                        more health. When you eat a lot of meat  
                        for a while. You also want to eat some 
                        I just love eggs. The eggs are the best
                         choice in the fired rice. The eggs have 
                         protein. That is a really important thing 
                         for the human body.
                        The Rice is the most important thing for 
                        the fired rice. Without the fired rice. The 
                        meal will not be called "fired rice".
                        The Granulated Chicken Flavour Bouillon is 
                        the seasoning from the Chinese. This seasoning 
                        also can let the meal become fresher.
                        The oil is a medium that allows the food to 
                        heat more evenly and prevents some of it 
                        from burning.